Section: New Results
Granularity Control for Parallel Programs
Participant : Arthur Charguéraud.
Arthur Charguéraud contributes to the ERC DeepSea project, which is hosted at Inria Paris (team Gallium). With his co-authors, he focused recently on the development of techniques for controlling granularity in parallel programs. Granularity control is an essential problem because creating too many tasks may induce overwhelming overheads, while creating too few tasks may harm the ability to process tasks in parallel. Granularity control turns out to be especially challenging for nested parallel programs, i.e., programs in which parallel constructs such as fork-join or parallel-loops can be nested arbitrarily. This year, the DeepSea team investigated two different approaches.
The first one is based on the use of asymptotic complexity functions provided by the programmer, combined with runtime measurements to estimate the constant factors that apply. Combining these two sources of information allows to predict with reasonable accuracy the execution time of tasks. Such predictions may be used to guide the generation of tasks, by sequentializing computations of sufficiently-small size. An analysis is developed, establishing that task creation overheads are indeed bounded to a small fraction of the total runtime. These results extend prior work by the same authors [22], extending them with a carefully-designed algorithm for ensuring convergence of the estimation of the constant factors deduced from the measures, even in the face of noise and cache effects, which are taken into account in the analysis. The approach is demonstrated on a range of benchmarks taken from the state-of-the-art PBBS benchmark suite. These results have been accepted for publication at PPoPP'19.
The second approach is based on an instrumentation of the runtime system. The idea is to process parallel function calls just like normal function calls, by pushing a frame on the stack, and only subsequently promoting these frames as threads that might get scheduled on other cores. The promotion of frames takes place at regular time interval, hence the name heartbeat scheduling given to the approach. Unlike in prior approaches such as lazy scheduling, in which promotion is guided by the work load of the system, hearbeat scheduling can be proved to induce only small scheduling overheads, and to not reduce asymptotically the amount of parallelism inherent to the parallel program. The theory behind the approach is formalized in Coq. It is also implemented through instrumented C++ programs, and evaluated on PBBS benchmarks. A paper describing this approach was published at PLDI'18 [12].